A. 答えはコチラ!  

Harry: Paul! It's good to see you again.

Paul: Likewise. What have you been up to?

Harry: Same old, same old. How about you? How's Jopico these days?

Paul: I'm not there anymore. I got a great offer from MegaPlexic, so I jumped ship.

Harry: Hey, congratulations! That sounds like the right move to me. The word is that Jopico is in trouble.

いかがでしたか? 次回は「ケンカした友達と仲直り」をするときに使える英会話です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~はコチラ!

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~プライベート編~はコチラ!