A. 答えはコチラ!

Sarah: Come on! Hurry up! Uh… You’re as slow as molasses!

Darren: Hold your horses! I’m almost done!

Sarah: But everyone’s going to be there already.

Darren: Just calm down. We’ll be fashionably late.

Sarah: For a dinner party!?

Darren: Five minutes. Don’t worry – we’ll just call Mike and tell him we got stuck in traffic. I’m sure we won’t be the only people running late.

Sarah: I guess…

いかがでしたか? 次回は「相手の意見に反論する」ときに使える英会話です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~はコチラ!

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~プライベート編~はコチラ!