A. 答えはコチラ!  

Amber: Wow, it is such a trip to see you again! When was the last time we hung out?

Lisa: I don’t know for sure, but I want to say it was about five years ago.

Amber: Time really does fly, doesn’t it?

Lisa: Yeah. Can you believe our ten-year high school reunion is coming up?

Amber: Don’t remind me! Thinking of stuff like that just makes me feel old.

Lisa: What are you talking about? You look great!

Amber: Ugh, no I don’t. But you look fantastic!

いかがでしたか? 次回は「相手の急なお願いを察する」ときに使える英会話です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~はコチラ!

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~プライベート編~はコチラ!