このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス 

sky high: とても高い

例)Joan: So does Mark keep his room clean?
Marnie: Are you kidding? His comics and clothes are piled sky high in there.
Joan: Markは部屋を掃除したのかな?
Marnie: 冗談でしょ?マンガ本と洋服がとても高く積み重なっているわ。

highway robbery: ぼったくり、法外な請求
法外な金額を請求されることを表わします。“daylight robbery”も同じ意味で使うことができます。

例)Lane: The city raised my taxes by 10% this year.
Stuart: It’s highway robbery, isn’t it? They don’t even use the taxes to make improvements around here.
Lane: 今年税金が10%上がるんだってさ。
Stuart: そりゃ法外な請求だよね?何にも使われていないじゃないか。

stretch a dollar: お金を有効に使う

例)Stacey: She had eight children so she really knew how to stretch a dollar.
Rosie: She’d have to in order to feed all of those mouths!
Stacey: 8人も子どもがいたから、お金の使い方を知っているのよ。

treat yourself: 自分を大事にする、自分にほうびを振舞う

例)Phoebe: All this overtime is killing me. I’m going to treat myself to a spa day this weekend.
Melinda: You deserve it. You’ve been working too hard!
Phoebe: 残業のせいで疲れちゃったわ。今週末は、ご褒美としてスパに行くのよ。
Melinda: 当然よね。一生懸命に働いたもの!

Sid: Why don’t we get a roast for tonight?
Nancy: Good idea [Nancy looks at the price tag]…oh my god, the prices are sky high!
Sid: They are a little expensive.
Nancy: A little? It’s highway robbery!
Sid: The cost of everything is going up, not just food.
Nancy: I know. I just remember when you could get one for half that price.
Sid: Well, you’re good at stretching a dollar. I think we can afford it.
Nancy: We can, but….
Sid: So, what do you say? Should we treat ourselves?
Nancy: Fine. Put it in the cart.

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~プライベート編~』、次回は「人から聞いた情報をシェアする」です。


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