このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス

drag on: 続く、長引く

例)Cecily: What did you think of the awards show last night?
Marta: It was alright, but the acceptance speeches dragged on, didn’t they?
Cecily: 昨日の受賞式の番組どう思った?
Marta: 悪くはなかったけど、受賞スピーチが延々と続いていたよね?

I don’t get it: 理解できない

Petra: So you have to right click on the text tool and then choose the font you want.
Teddy: I don’t get it.
Petra: テキストツールを右クリックしてフォントを選ぶのよ。

old wives’ tale: (参考にならない)迷信

例)Sylvia: I feel horrible, this cold is getting worse.
Annette: Try crushing some garlic into warm milk. I know it sounds like an old wives’ tale but it really works.
Sylvia: 最悪だわ、調子がどんどん悪くなる。
Annette: 温かいミルクに潰したニンニクを入れてみたら。迷信みたいに聞こえるけどよく効くのよ。

you never know: どうなるか分からない

例)Sandra: It will be a miracle if I passed that exam.
Colin: You never know. You studied pretty hard for it.

Arabella: So it looks like winter is going to drag on.
Kay: Why do you say that?
Arabella: The groundhog saw its shadow, so that means we’ll have six more weeks of winter.
Kay: I don’t get it.
Arabella:You’ve never heard of Groundhog Day? Some towns have a special ceremony where they wait for a groundhog to come out of its hole. If it stays out, winter will end soon, but if it sees its shadow it’ll go back into the hole and we’ll have a longer winter.
Kay: Really? How can a groundhog predict weather? It sounds like an old wives’ tale.
Arabella: Yeah, but you never know. Our groundhog is usually right.
Kay: Well, I hope he’s wrong this time.
Arabella: Me too! This winter has been long enough already.

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~オフィス編~』、次回は「無理なお願いをする」です。

【英会話】天気が悪い時、休日はなにして過ごす?はコチラ! [http://ure.pia.co.jp/articles/-/11489]

Supported by Gabaマンツーマン英会話 [http://www.gaba.co.jp/]
