九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科は、文部科学省による2024年度国費外国人留学生の優先配置を行う特別プログラムにおいて、新たに「先進医療・診断技術構築を先導する東南アジア連携人材育成プログラム(DAMD: Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies)」が認定されました。よって、生命体工学研究科では3つの特別プログラムが認定されることとなり、これは国内の大学部局においても突出した成果です。
本研究科では、これまでに「Global Advanced Assistive Robotics(Global AAR)」および「Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment(GE3)」の2つのプログラムで特別枠認定を受けており、今回の「DAMD」プログラムの新規認定により、さらに多様な分野で国際的に活躍する人材の育成を強化します。
1. Global Advanced Assistive Robotics(Global AAR)コース
- 対象分野:医療福祉や産業における先進的支援ロボティクス(AAR)
- 目 標:国内外で活躍するグローバル人材の育成
2. Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment(GE3)コース
- 対象分野:持続可能な社会を実現するグリーンエネルギー・環境材料技術
- 目 標:持続可能な社会の実現に貢献する21世紀型エンジニアを育成
3. Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies(DAMD)コース
- 対象分野:医療・診断技術、予防医療、持続可能な医療機器産業
- 目 標:日本と東南アジア地域で協働し成長を促進できるグローバルエンジニアの育成
● Global Advanced Assistive Robotics (Global AAR) コース
● Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment (GE3) コース
● Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies (DAMD) コース
大学院生命体工学研究科 事務課 学生・留学生係
Kyushu Institute of Technology Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering Recognized for the New Special Program "DAMD" for Prioritizing Government-Sponsored International Students
~ Outstanding recognition for a single graduate school to have three programs ~
The Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology has been recognized for the "Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies (DAMD)" under the 2024 "University Recommendation for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for International Students (Special Quota)." With this, the Graduate School now has three special programs recognized, which is an outstanding achievement even among university departments in Japan.
Kyushu Institute of Technology had previously been recognized for two programs, "Global Advanced Assistive Robotics (Global AAR)" and "Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment (GE3)" under the special quota. With the new recognition of the DAMD program, the Graduate School further strengthens its commitment to developing talent capable of playing active roles internationally in a diverse range of fields. Having three special programs recognized in a single graduate school is a rare case even in Japan, reflecting the high quality of education and research offered by the Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering.
■About the Special Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)
The "University Recommendation for Japanese Government Scholarship for International Students (Special Quota)" is part of an international student support initiative promoted by MEXT. Under this system, specific educational institutions and programs are recognized, which allows them to receive priority allocation of government-sponsored international students.
■Objectives and Features of the Special Program
● Objective: To accept outstanding international students and contribute to the advancement of Japan's academic development and international competitiveness.
● Eligible Students: Government-sponsored international students (those receiving scholarships from the Japanese government) who receive tuition waivers and financial support for living expenses.
● Recognition Criteria: Programs that promote international academic perspectives and address social challenges through education and research.
The three programs recognized at the Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology will now be able to accept priority government-sponsored international students under this system, advancing the cultivation of top talent from around the world.
■Details of the Recognized Programs
Acceptance of International Students for Each Program
Government-Sponsored Students: Each program will accept six government-sponsored international students.
Privately-Funded Students: Each program will also accept six privately-funded international students. These students may receive support through their own funding, research projects, or programs such as the Next Generation Researcher Challenging Research Program (JST SPRING).
1.Global Advanced Assistive Robotics (Global AAR) Course
This program aims to develop the ability to research and develop automated devices and assistive robots tailored to human and environmental conditions using AI and information technology.
Target Fields: Advanced Assistive Robotics (AAR) for healthcare and industry.
Goal: To nurture global talent capable of contributing to both domestic and international fields.
2.Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment (GE3) Course
This program provides comprehensive education on energy and material creation, conversion, utilization, and recycling.
Target Fields: Green energy and environmentally friendly technologies to realize a sustainable society.
Goal: To cultivate 21st-century engineers who contribute to a sustainable society.
3.Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies (DAMD) Course
This program aims to extend healthy life expectancy in super-aged societies, including Japan and other Asian countries, by providing education and research on medical material development and preventive medicine.
Target Fields: Medical diagnostic technologies, preventive healthcare, and sustainable medical device industries.
Goal: To foster global engineers who can collaborate in the growth of medical industries across Japan and Southeast Asia.
■Application Overview
The Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology is seeking talented international students from around the world to participate in the above three programs. Please check the official website for details.
● Global Advanced Assistive Robotics (GAAR) Course
● Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment (GE3) Course
● Leading Southeast Asia Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced Medical and Diagnostic Technologies (DAMD) Course
【Inquiries about the three special programs accredited by the MEXT】
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering
Administrative Office
Student Section
Mail: sei-gakusei@jimu.kyutech.ac.jp
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