このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス   

split up : 分かれる

Sally:We only have half an hour to clean the house before Mom gets home.
Collette:Let's split up and do it. I'll clean downstairs and you can do upstairs.
Collette: 手分けしてやろうよ。私が1階を掃除するから、あなたは2階をやって。

keep (one's) eyes peeled : 目を皿のようにして探す

Eileen:There are too many people here, we'll never find her.
Calla:Just keep your eyes peeled for a red beach umbrella. She always brings that with her to the beach.

Pearl:This place is like a zoo. Look at all the people!
Hank:Let's just get John's present and get out of here.
Pearl:He said he wanted new computer speakers but I haven't seen the kind he wants.
Hank: Let's split up and look. Keep your eyes peeled for them and call me if you find them.
Pearl:OK. I'll go to the department store at the other end of the mall.
Hank:Alright, I'll go to the electronics store.
Pearl: Keep your phone handy so you can hear it ring when I call.
Hank::I will. Wish me luck.

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~プライベート編~』、次回は「友達の好みをすっかり忘れる」です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~ vol2.ウマい話に引っ掛かるはコチラ![http://ure.pia.co.jp/articles/-/10695]
Supported by Gabaマンツーマン英会話 [http://www.gaba.co.jp/]
