このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス

toying with an idea: 何かを考えている

Giselle: I've been toying with the idea of yellow paint for the kitchen.What do you think?
Dean: Yeah, that might look nice.
Giselle: キッチンを黄色に塗ろうと考えていたのよ。どう思う?
Dean: そうね。それは良いかもしれないね。

drop everything: すべてを止める

Deanna: C'mon, please! You know I hate to shop alone.
Tina: Sorry but I'm busy today. I can't just drop everything and go with you.
Deanna: ねぇお願い!私がひとりで買い物するが嫌いなのを知っているでしょ。
Tina: ごめんなさい、でも今日は忙しいのよ。全部をキャンセルしてあなたと買い物には行かれないわ。

don't have it in me: 難しくて取りかかることができない

Will: You should just tell her you don't want to go.
Manny: She's so excited. I can't tell her. I just don't have it in me.
Will: 行きたくないって彼女に伝えろよ。
Manny: 彼女すごく楽しみにしているから、言えないよ。そんなことはできない。

wheels in motion: 行動に移す

例)Steve: I was thinking maybe we shouldn't go to the reunion.
Kerry: It's too late; I already sent in our acceptance so the wheels are in motion.

Vera: What're you reading?
Rose: Oh just a brochure for a language school in Milan.
Vera: I didn't know you were interested in learning Italian.
Rose: I studied a bit in college. I've been toying with the idea of spending a year or so overseas.
Vera: Wow, good for you. I don't think I could drop everything and start something new; I just don't have it in me.
Rose: You probably do. You'd just have to find something you really wanted to do.
Vera: Maybe you're right. I guess I've always wanted to study photography.
Rose: Well, you should look into programs for it.
Vera: Yeah, I might. You might've set the wheels in motion.

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~オフィス編~』、次回は「相手の発言を疑う」です。

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