このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス

hidden agenda: 隠れている思惑
Scott: Here you go honey. Just because I love you.
Helen: Hmm… you sure you don’t have a hidden agenda?
Scott: さぁどうぞ、ただ君を愛してるんだよ。
Helen: ふーん…何か隠してないでしょうね?

shoot the breeze: おしゃべりする

例)Melanie: I got so annoyed with Dan at work today. He came to
my office just to shoot the breeze for like 20 minutes. I was on deadline!
Beth: Yeah, that’s really inconsiderate.
Melanie: Danには頭に来たわ。ただのおしゃべりをするため20分も私のオフィスにいたのよ。締め切りがあったのに!
Beth: いやだ。それは、なんて失礼なの。

come up: 突然起こる

例)Sarah: Hey, I’m sorry to have to cancel our plans for tonight, but something came up at work.
Jenny: Aww, that’s too bad.
Sarah: ねぇ、今夜の予定をキャンセルしてごめんなさい、急な仕事があって。
Jenny: やだ、それは最悪ね。

Sam: Hey there, how’s the greatest sister in the world?
Lauren: What do you want?
Sam: Why do you always assume I have some sort of hidden agenda?
Lauren: Because you only ever call me when you need something.
Sam: That’s not true.
Lauren: Oh yeah? When was the last time you called me just to shoot the breeze?
Sam: Uh…
Lauren: Exactly. So what do you need from me?
Sam: Well, this trip to Vegas sort of came up at the last minute and…
Lauren: By trip, do you mean bachelor party?
Sam: Yeah, sort of, and…
Lauren: You want me to look after Jessica?
Sam: Will you?
Lauren: Yes, of course.
Sam: Thank you! You’re the greatest!
Lauren: Whatever. 

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~オフィス編~』、次回は「多くの人に認められる」です。

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