stuffed: お腹いっぱい

例)Bernie: I was so stuffed after that dinner party last night. I couldn’t move for hours.
Sylvie: Me too. But Cheryl’s such a great cook I couldn’t help it.
Sylvie: 私も。でもCheryl’sの料理は素晴らしいわよね。食べずにいられなかったわ。

peck at: 食べ過ぎない(つまむ程度)

例)Jordan: Do you feel OK? You just pecked at your dinner.
Trey: I’m fine, I just wasn’t very hungry.
Jordan:体調大丈夫か? 夕飯をつまんだだけじゃないか。
Trey: 大丈夫だよ。そんなにお腹が空いていないだけ。

go off (something): (何かが)もう好きじゃない

Geraldine: What happened between you and Holly? Are you fighting?
Gwyneth: No, I’ve just kind of gone off her. All she talks about is herself lately.
Geraldine: Hollyとの間に何かあったの? ケンカしているの?

a (health) kick: (健康)に凝る

例)Rona は通りで偶然Gailに会いました。
Rona: Why are you wearing a tracksuit?
Gail: I’m on my way to the gym. I’ve been on a fitness kick since the holidays.
Rona: なんでジャージを着ているの?

Fraser: I’m so full. Do you want to finish off my cheesecake?
Nina: No way. I’m stuffed.
Fraser: You hardly ate anything though.
Nina: I had a salad and some bread.
Fraser: You just pecked at it. I don’t see how you could be full.
Nina: Well, I am.
Fraser: Actually I haven’t seen you eat meat for a while.
Nina: Yeah, I’ve kind of gone off it.
Fraser: What happened? You used to love a good steak.
Nina: I still do, I’m just trying to eat a little healthier.
Fraser: So does your new health kick mean you can’t have another glass of wine?
Nina: No way, pour me another please. 

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