A. 答えはコチラ

Amy: You’re still coming to visit me next month, right?

Tom: Yeah. I just haven’t found the time to buy the tickets yet.

Amy: I don’t understand why you always wait till the last minute like that! If you wait too long, they’ll be too expensive and then you won’t be able to come.

Tom: Just let it go, OK? There are tons of tickets left.

Amy: Well, I’d just feel a lot better if you’d get the tickets already.

Tom: It’s under control. I’ll get the tickets soon.

Amy: OK, fine. Just let me know when I need to go to the airport to pick you up.

いかがでしたか? 次回は「自分のことを控えめに考える」ときに使える英会話です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~はコチラ!

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~プライベート編~はコチラ!