このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス 

climbing the walls : 何もすることがない(つまらない)

Brad: C'mon. You'd love it I promise.
Holly: No electricity? No running water? No TV? I'd be climbing the walls!
Brad: いいじゃないか。君も楽しめるよ、約束するって。
Holly: 電気なし?水道なし?テレビもなし?何もすることがないじゃない。

scrounge up : 探し回って手に入れる

Dale: How is the fundraiser coming along?
Lacey: It's a little stressful. I still have to scrounge up at least another dozen people to attend.
Dale: チャリティイベントはどう?
Lacey: まあまあうまく進んでいるわよ。出席者をあと10人くらい探さなきゃいけないのよ。

a catch : 問題点、落とし穴

George: Trevor told me if I helped him move he'd buy me lunch for a week.
Yuri: That sounds alright. What was the catch?
George: He moved to an apartment on the 8th floor… and there was no elevator!
George: Trevorの引越しを手伝ったら一週間ランチをおごってくれるんだ。
Yuri: 良いじゃない。何が問題なの?
George: アパートの8階に引越しをするんだけど…エレベータがないんだよ。

what you see is what you get : 何も隠れていない、問題はない

John: What's Sean like? I can't really figure him out.
Bill: What you see is what you get. He's pretty straightforward.
John: Seanはどう? 僕はうまく掴めないんだよね。
Bill: 見たままだよ。彼は本当に歯に衣を着せぬヤツだね。

Betty: So what are you going to do with your kids while they're off?
Ruth: I have no idea. If I don't plan something they'll just be climbing the walls all summer.
Betty: I found a great music camp nearby. If you're interested I could give you the pamphlets.
Ruth: Sounds great, but I'm not sure I could scrounge up the money for all three kids.
Betty: It's not that expensive. They offer a family discount, plus they provide all the instruments.
Ruth: Really? There must be a catch.
Betty: Haha, well, they want parents to come to a couple of recitals but other than that, what you see is what you get.
Ruth: I'm glad you told me about it. I'll give them a call tomorrow.

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~プライベート編~』、次回は「落ち込んでいる相手を励ます」です。

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