このフレーズを覚えたい! ワンポイントアドバイス

shot up: 早く成長する

例)Frieda: Wow, your sunflowers have really shot up.
Polly: I think it’s the new fertilizer I’m using.

picky: えり好みする、口うるさい

例)Gary: So where do you want to eat?
Andrew: I don’t care, I’m not too picky.
Gary: どこにランチを食べに行こうか?
Andrew: どこでもいいよ、えり好みしないし。

hand-me-downs: おさがり

例)Natalie: Hey, is that a new computer?
Pam: No, it’s a hand-me-down from my dad. He just bought himself a new laptop.
Natalie: ねぇ、これって新しいPC?

Lisa: She’s growing so fast. She’s really shot up since the last time I saw her.
Beth: You can say that again. It seems like I’m buying her new clothes every couple of months.
Lisa: Must be expensive.
Beth: It is! It doesn’t help that she’s so picky either. She won’t wear any hand-me-downs from her older sister so I have to buy all of her clothes brand new.
Lisa: She sounds like a handful.
Beth: No, she’s a good kid, but she definitely knows her own mind.
Lisa: Sounds like her mother.
Beth: Haha, yeah. I guess I’m a little picky myself. 

役に立ちました? 『今すぐ役立つ英会話~プライベート編~』、次回は「健康に気を使って食事をする」です。

【英会話】相手の急なお願いに対応するときに、使いたいフレーズはコチラ!  [http://ure.pia.co.jp/articles/-/11790]

Supported by Gabaマンツーマン英会話[http://www.gaba.co.jp/]
