A. 答えはコチラ!  

Janet: So, what do you think about the schedule for the new project?

Peter: I'm worried about it. It seems really tight to me.

Janet: Oh, do you think we should try to change it?

Peter: Yes, definitely. I don't think we have a choice.

Janet: But that will push back the whole project...

Peter: What else can we do? There's no way we can meet these deadlines.

Janet: Well, I wish I could change it, but it's not my decision. You should take it up with the management.

いかがでしたか? 次回は「今年こそはジムに行って身体を鍛えたい」と思ったときに使える英会話です。

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~オフィス編~はコチラ!

今すぐ!役立つ英会話 ~プライベート編~はコチラ!